Monday, March 28


The dim lit room has a door creaking somewhere, hazy figurines dancing to glamorize the dark,the incense so intense, in a sense that completes the humane senses.

The glowing candles march the eye like people on a simulation having no purpose at all.The eyes record intrusion but cannot register what exactly is going on.

The incense bending the neurons to relay its tune. The synaptic ending have no clue to reconfigure to the known sensations. The lips dry and sweat glands slide shut. Water, a longing, nowhere to feed. Hapless-less shrouds the man in bed. He opens his eyes as the only portal to the outside realms of his body.

Yellow feverish light is all that he is treated with. Impatiently shakes his head ina desperation to shake off th gloom that is engulfing him. The snout symbolized by his nostrils flare up an instant more than one. He turns to give his belly some rest.

The overpowering incense hits him harder. He jerks off the thrust to make any sense possible but all plausibilities sucked in the black hole. Some other presence is felt in the room. He catches her figure at a distance , the incense and the candle drawing him closer than he wished. He jerks off quite in another sense to pull over the blanket of reality.

Trance is all he feels right now.

Her sweat is closer than her tight body now. The skin penetrates his feel of touch to realise such smoothness as he never felt before.

Trance is setting the trend now.

He drinks on her sweat now tearing every piece of fabric that came in the way. His thirst mirroring the lonely travels on the desert. Such power as he had never known wants to drive him.

He is one with the incense cuddling him to give him some respite.

He travels long and far. He reaches where no man has ever reached. The alien sound makes his ears go up. He has never heard something like that. For the first time he smuggles her acknowledgement and locks it in the trunks that he has pulled off.

The sound carries him on the bed of incense hazy candlelights. The heat cushions him comfortably. He is not going to rest any further. He tears the deception espousing him.

He wants to penetrate the depths now. His takes his weapon off his sheath and thirsty lips and plunges the depths never before. He launches his attack vigorously. Vivaciously the moaning creeps up to him and whispering wonders which he doesn't understand yet, but nevertheless underestimating such sensory pleasures, he tastes everything offered to him.

Greedily he unwraps whats left, all his senses now adamant, won't budge for anything lesser.

He wanders and wanders till the tastes die.

The candles look at him with carbon nipples, a hundred thousand.

Suddenly the fragrance entering his nostrils is none like he had ever blended. It makes sense. The air is now filled with her and along with the subtlety of the incense and the hint of candle cradle all the foul to the darkest corners of his head.

Is he thinking now??

Is he breathing now??

Does he have only five senses now??

Is he still human??

Its a feeling that has gained weight :)
Heavier than any ordinary mortals maroon day..

He was suddenly in this lonely island with his senses precipitating into the perceptions of pure air , virgin waters and mighty mountains.

He bumps into reality as the sight in front of him is truly beautiful. He sees a form of beauty in flesh, blood and bones. The real beauty lay in the laborious muscles lost in time. A singularity that sucks him out of the islands of peace.

All his senses report to him in tandem.

The symphony strikes him. He sees and hears and tastes it all. Then suddenly the room is in picture. The at one stroke, he loses it all.

Where is he now??

Why cant he sense anything??

Is he lost again?? But this time its different.

All motion stops when he comes back. He can hear his breath now.


The candles die a pleasurable death.

Incense fill his senses again.

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