Tuesday, August 18

Of resplendence tat has blinded me!

i lie down
with no sleep spendin d nite
mornins down like a drunken dog
stubs of fags leavin traces all over d place
d effect of alcohol wearin off
restless mind wanderin boundaries unknown
disconnected dreams
my fav playlist failin to conjure magik

ve ultimately fallen in da maze i know d way not
i cant say it out load
i still wanna shout my throat off d cliff
i realise..
i accept..
i finaaly enjoy the virtuality
i know not how much has she prepared me for this journey
but am losin it every second
a bad move will make me lose it aall
a gamble tat i wish not to throw away
years n years n years
i know wat draws us closer.

the beacon of light off the distant warehouse
is tat wat they call hope
i feel none frm wre i see the light
butterflies..i see them everywhere..
more often than not

the river encircled in the horshoe bend
not reachin da ocean
the urge to the union so strong
a fury that cant break the horse shoe spell
for da river is poisoned
blood so impure

my goddess is always worthy of worship
i cant clip my wings in sacrifice however great the emotion might be
a test of all tat i stood for
d wax in da candle is givin way to darkness
as its no eternal than my mortal musings on this planet

i bring my hands together to feed myself strength
universes bein created from stardust
dust is all thats left of this creation

d devotion i understand not
at times desperation consumes my soul
blackholes formed frm my actions gainin strength
takin everythin in, sparing nothing to craetion

taers have dried
water water behind the corniac dams
not a single drop to shed
moonlight doppling away in eclipses eternal
the highwayman meets the solitary highland lass
their sorrws communicates by intuition
their illusions of life no more understood

pores of da body brewin sweat as if the whole body is sheddin da saline of the eyes
ambiguity n disorientation take d drivers seat
d heart prisoned by a roller coaster of beats thumping thumping
slowly sadly

dreams of hers to step on
my dreams unfolded in a red carpet
symbolising an ode to her 'future' treads on mine
happy to take the footprints
to cherish those contacts immortalised by time
engulfin d dust left by her feet

somitimes a rebel
to upturn destiny
to figt the chances of rollin dice
i need her as i need oxygen water n freshness in them
so suffocated at times, never understanding wat makes me belive
scary thoughts of obsession interludes my thoughts
possessive like never before
only to dream of
her sailin miles apart
sharing her soul with the prince of her precious mind

i ve bcum..
my precious is all i can cry in private
in da darkness left by the blackholes
i pretend a smile when da sun comes to the fore

am happier than ever disappointed self
is it a curse r a nightmare to pass

i feel like rippin off my shell
to show her the mould inside me
to make her see that she is etched within
a void tat only she can fill
a lifetym on earth tat she can give meanin to
alas am jus a mortal
amoral as she loathed

i slap myself to reality
to only feel the pain
a deliverance which is all the better than the pin prickings
ve swum against the tide all along
let go!!

hungry all the same
till life does the death apart
i breathe her in n breathe myself out
shes magic n shes the rain..
i feel her in every drop healing n healing my vain
my pain

am scared of the ultimate test it mite put me to..
which am sure to fail.
i cant take it no more than i can explain

a brilliance far away
blindin all the same... my love!!

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